The spyware application dubbed OSX/OpinionSpy can scan files, record user activity and send stolen data to remote servers. By: Robert Westervelt, News Editor |
![]() The growth of the internet has provided website owners with unique business opportunities. Unfortunately, that growth also attracts those who want to steal your website files and sensitive information. As your website grows and it moves to the top ten page ranking on the major search engines, it will also be that much easier for bandits to find your website. They can then easily change your files, damage them or steal them if you do not have website protection, website security. Having a website isn’t just a simple matter of getting something set up and playing with the content every now and then. Because your website represents your business on the internet, that makes it a potential target for hackers. You might think it won’t happen to you – why would hackers go for you when there are huge high profile targets around? The sad fact is that big companies can employ legions of experts to ensure their website stays safe and secure. You have limited resources, and may be relying on the company that designed your website a few years ago. Since the first discovery of "worms" on the internet, the Web has proven to be the primary place where bad guys lurk, looking for poorly secured websites to plant malicious code. And, they find plenty. According to the 2009 Security Threat Report from Sophos, one new infected Web page is discovered every 4.5 seconds. The Internet has become a playground for criminals who leverage its universal accessibility to commit small to large crimes. It's wise to stay abreast on how to protect your data, brand, and business from web threats. Web-based threats are increasing in number and severity. The consequences of becoming infected can be extensive and cause significant damage to your revenue, reputation and long-term survival. What many people do not realize is that by improving their website security, they can improve their sales. Customers say that the security of a website is the number one reason why they do or do not shop on particular websites. The odds are very great in that you can be hit by an automated drive-by attack that is playing a percentage game, with malicious requests being launched against millions of websites, from hundreds of malicious servers. Criminals use these automated tools to attack websites - just registering a new domain name will mean it gets scanned for vulnerabilities and potentially targeted. If your website gets hacked and someone gets access to your site, they can change anything they want and can do an extraordinary amount of damage as shown below: - Alter .html, .php, and other text web pages, usually to inject iframes, links or other malicious code. - Modify database tables, usually to inject the same types of content listed above, so it will appear on your pages. - Add new files - Add executable programs to let the attackers "manage" your website files remotely, grant them access even after you clean up (back doors), send spam, connect to IRC servers for botnet communications, mass-attack other websites, etc. Sometimes a hacking attack is not used for just mere vandalism. This hacking activity can be about hijacking websites and using them to generate links to other sites to game the search engines: - The hackers find a security hole and get inside your site. - They take control through scripts that turn your site into a link-generating drone. - The links generated on your site (without your knowledge) are pointed at other sites, in an effort to get those other sites to the top of search engine results. Big or Small, no Website or Company is safe. Investigations have shown that there are about 20 hacker conferences every year. Why do they do it? For fun, satisfaction, a challenge, a greater feeling of self-worth? Who knows. When a Google search for "my website has been hacked" was conducted, it showed at the time, 3.63 million hits as shown below: ![]() I am sure that you will agree that these results are frightening! Do you still think it can't happen to you? Don't be fooled by a false sense of security. When I decided to get into internet marketing, my efforts were first concentrated on trying to select what I hoped would be a hot niche market and then creating the website and web pages. Once I finally got a handle on my proposed niche market, I then proceeded to create a website. At first it seemed like a big task, but once I got into it, it was actually straight forward. I had to learn about HTML and mySQL databases, but this was not as difficult as it first appeared. You will be amazed on what you can find on the internet by simply searching for “HTML tutorials” or “mySQL tutorials” or any variation of the word search. Before long, I had setup my website. Soon it became evident that just having a good website was not enough to attract visitors. After learning a bit about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), I finally was able to get on page 1 or 2 of the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Altavista, AOL, AllTheweb and MSN(Bing). At first I was quite excited as now it was easy for people to find my website. This was short-lived. Although many legitimate visitors came to my site, so did many hackers. I soon found my product being downloaded illegally and not being paid for. Some forums actually had a direct link (hotlink) to my download page. All people had to do was copy this link onto their website. They could then use this again to illegally download my product. These malicious hackers also attacked my website by injecting badware into my web pages which put my visitors at risk. As a result, my website was blacklisted by Google and other major search engines. This basically stopped all traffic to my website. I had to spend considerable time and money to clean up my website and it took more time to convince these search engines that I had resolved all issues before my site was taken off the blacklist. It became very evident that I had to have some type of protection that would give my website some security. Being a novice to internet marketing, my budget was from slim to none. I had to find ways to protect my website without costing me, as they say, an arm and a leg. Again, I searched the internet for help on website protection and security. There are plenty of people on the internet trying to sell you high price security along with monthly fees, but none tell you about the security features that are readily available to you on the internet involving minimum or no costs to you. It seemed like an endless task. Fortunately, after some heavy digging, I was able to find some very good websites that would help in giving you ideas on how to protect your website. The information was not always complete as they also had to make money, so they would give enough information to wet your appetite, which was not too bad. By building on this information, I was able to come up with some good ways to provide some decent website security for my website. I had finally come up with the best economical security for my website. No website can be made 100 percent secure. It doesn't matter how much money or resources you invest in designing the perfect website, someone will find the way to crack it. Even the biggest government agencies like NASA, CIA and NSA have been victims of hackers. And the same thing happens in the private sector with companies like Citigroup or Wal-Mart. What is important is that even the smallest amount of website security is many times better than a website without security that is open to the world. Anything you can do that makes it difficult for a malicious hacker, the better are the chances that they will skip your website in favour of an unprotected website. If you have just put your website online, and you are new to Internet Marketing, you are vulnerable to attack. You may realize this but perhaps have not added website protection because you don't know what to do, how to do it, or might expect it to be too difficult to do. Now you can easily learn, on a step-by-step basis with plenty of examples, how to prevent web surfers from purposely or accidentally hacking your website. You will learn how to add powerful website protection and security monitoring tools to hide your product links, minimize website security threats, as well as, advise you on website security issues and the security actions to take. Your cost to implement this website protection, website security, is minimal. With the amazing ebook: "How To Protect Your Website And Digital Download Products", ![]() you will quickly learn how to retrieve the following security information from your website: 1) Visitor Internet IP address 2) The date and time your visitors arrived at your website 3) The domain or web page that your visitors came from to access your web pages 4) The total number of your product downloads 5) Any illegal product downloads You will learn how to stop hotlinking and leeching of your digital download products in order to get internet website protection and security. Is getting hacked a risk you can afford to take? It could cost you and your business, ten's of thousands of dollars. Website security is a critical component of the success of any web based business. You will also learn how to detect and fight against iframe injections. An iframe injection is an injection of one or more iframe tags into a page’s content. The iframe typically does something bad, such as downloading an executable application that contains a virus or worm in it… something that compromises a visitor’s system. Iframe injection can cause your website to be flagged by the major search engines, such as Google, as being a “bad” site because it is hosting “malware”. When your site appears on the search page, it will be marked with a note indicating visitors could be at risk if they continue to your website. This could essentially remove all traffic to your site causing you thousands of dollars in lost revenue. You will learn how easy it is to do a complete backup of your entire website. Backing up your website is one of the most critical tasks that most people fail to do. Do not rely on your web hosting company to do this for you. In fact, they normally stipulate that they are not responsible for the loss or damage to your website under any circumstances. It is your responsibility to do this on a continuous basis. Many people do not backup their website because either they do not know how or else think it is too complicated. If your Web Hosting company has a server crash, or your website becomes completely compromised, you may have to rebuild your website from scratch, which will cost you valuable time and money. In some cases you may not even be able to recover your website, which could cost you the loss of your complete on-line business. You will be shown how to use free tools and software to easily backup your website, either manually or automatically. Along with your website, you will also learn how to backup your databases. A database could store all your customer information so that if you were to lose it, it would be very difficult, if not impossible to duplicate. You will learn how to prevent your computer from becoming a Zombie BOT. Zombie BOT is a computer that is infected by a malicious software which allows remote control of it. There are literally tens of thousands of computers on the Internet which are infected with some type of 'bot' and don't even realize it. A zombie computer that has been secretly compromised by hacking tools allows a third party to control the computer and its resources remotely. When the zombie computer connects to the Internet the remote hacker can clandestinely make contact with the computer to mine data from it or use it for any number of purposes. Hackers can install tools that will report everything typed into the zombie computer, including usernames and passwords. These can be used to connect to your website and compromize it by injecting malicious iframes or other malicious scripts. To fight these bots, you will be shown how to prevent and detect any bot related activity on your computer which could jepordize your website and cost you thousands of dollars in lost revenue. If you're new to the Internet, or just coming onboard with your website do not neglect protecting your website. On-line content theft is at an all-time high right now? These are some of the many ways thieves could be stealing from you at right this very minute: - They could be stealing your PayPal download "return link" by simply clicking View, then Page Source - They could take and use your web page design and graphics - They could copy pictures, images and other artwork from your page, even those that are copyrighted, and use them elsewhere - They could harvest email addresses from your page and start spamming them - And much, much more! Dont let thieves profit from your hard work and expense any longer. If you've done or paid for any significant web design work, you know how much time, energy and money it takes to create a unique and professional-looking web page. You will learn to encrypt and protect your links and website folders with no special programming skills. Your links will be unreadable without changing the way a page looks in a browser. These are some of the features you will be able to add: - Protect your PayPal links - Hide your original download links - Prevent your images from being copied and used by someone else - Create special password-protected folders on your website - Stop URLs from being displayed in the browser bar - Monitor your product downloads via Customer IP address to prevent multiple downloading of your products Learn the security secrets for web protection that the security gurus do not want you to know. You will be shown counter measures against hackers that can be easily and immediately implemented into your website. These counter measures will instantly provide website protection and security to start discouraging hackers from trying to break into your site. These hacker protection measures are simple and effective and will defend you from most of the attacks. All the ebook information is direct and to the point. Many other ebooks are filled up with material just to make them seem bigger than they really are. This ebook is to the point, and filled with valuable information that can save you thousands of dollars. The procedures are described in much detail so that people who have never done them don't have to go hunting around the web for specifics. This valuable information can be used for all online businesses. It doesn’t matter whether you sell digital products, shop physical products, or if you’re a professional with just a simple site…the information applies to everyone who owns a Website! The specific, step-by-step information, can be implemented very quickly. These methods can be put to work speedily and easily. Purchase a copy of this ebook now and you will not only reap the benefits of protecting your online business, but the peace of mind that comes with it! In todays competitive Internet on-line business, you need every advantage you can get and this ebook will ensure that you keep your advantage by preventing others from easily profiting off your innovation. It will reveal to you the little known secrets that you absolutely need to know to keep your website running safe and applies to all websites. Web security company Cenzic released a report detailing trends and numbers related to Web security for the first and second quarters of 2009. ![]() Among the most serious vulnerabilities were path traversal (folder listing), cross-site scripting, cross-site request forgery and SQL injection. You may have to deal with all of these in order to make your website secure. A report by security company Whitehat Security has indicated that: - Historically, 82% of assessed websites have had at least one issue of HIGH, CRITICAL, or URGENT severity - 63% of assessed websites currently have issues of HIGH, CRITICAL, or URGENT severity - Historically, websites average 17 vulnerabilities identified during the lifetime of the assessment cycle - Websites currently average 6 open vulnerabilities A report by The Web Application Security Consortium (WASC) showed that for about 12186 sites tested, 97554 vulnerabilities were detected. The analysis showed that: - more than 13% of all reviewed sites could be compromised completely automatically - about 49% of web applications contain vulnerabilities of high risk level (Urgent and Critical) - the most wide spread vulnerabilities are Cross-site Scripting, different types of Information Leakage, SQL Injection, HTTP Response Splitting - administration issues were 20% more frequent cause of a vulnerability than system development errors - the probability to compromise a host automatically rose from 7 to 13 % "When Asked, Most Website Owners Stated That Their Website And Data Was Safe From Hackers. Over 73% Were Wrong!" If your website, "", becomes an infected victim due to hacking, then below is shown how your website would appear if someone did a Google search: ![]() As you can see, under "" result is a link with the words "This site may harm your computer." Click on that link (not the regular one for the result) and you arrive at a Google Web Search Help Center page. It explains that the warning appears with results that Google has identified "as sites that may install malicious software on your computer." Not only will this stop all traffic to your website, but often no warning or notification from Google is sent to you that you have been blacklisted. You may never know that you have even been blacklisted unless you actually search for your site. You then need to take action to remove your site from the blacklisting which could take anywhere from 5 to 10 days. This could mean thousands of dollars in lost revenue that you may never see again. Can you really afford your website being an infected victim of hacking? Website security and monitoring is a vital part of the success of your online business. Making it a priority is crucial for your website file and data protection. Understanding that and taking the steps to properly implement website security practices can mean increased sales and more business opportunities. SPECIAL BONUS OFFER If you purchase this amazing ebook, you will also be given a special bonus offer valued at $19 US, for FREE. This special bonus offer is a very powerful PHP script tool that you can put on your home page or any web page that you want. This script will send you an email, everytime someone visits your web page, including browsers, spiders, robots and crawlers, with the following information: 1) The URL of the page that was visited 2) The Date and Time of the visit. 3) The Browser name that was used to visit your site. 4) The Visitor IP Address. 5) The Visitor Host Name 6) The Visitor Country, Region and City of origin without the need of a database and with over 95% accuracy. 7) Standalone "Whois DNS Tool" to get all the Host Company Provider information. ADDED BONUS OFFER For newcomers and beginners to the internet, and, for those already with websites, I have a special free ebook, "Create Your First Website By 3:45 This Afternoon", written by Chris Farrell, voted the No. 1 internet marketing service provider. In order to succeed online you have to have a presence, and the only way to achieve this is to have your own website. This can be a daunting prospect for the average newcomer or beginner. If building a long term business is what you are wanting to do, then creating your own website is a must, in fact, it is vital to your success. What seems daunting to the newcomer to the Internet is explained and shown in great detail. This ebook, "Create Your First Website By 3.45 This Afternoon": -Is Created Especially For Newcomers and Beginners -Uses non technical language at all times - GUARANTEED -Has already helped THOUSANDS get started online -Contains everything you need to START making money online The eBook will allow anyone to create their own website within hours. It is a step-by-step guide that covers the whole process with nothing left to chance. It is presented in Chris's unique, and easy to understand style. The eBook covers everything from purchasing a domain name and setting up a hosting account, through to building and uploading your pages to your server. By the end of this eBook, you will have a working website with multiple pages, including a main page, and links to other pages and other sites. More importantly, you will know how to create, design and publish your site so that you can design new sites any time you want. Download the ebook at no cost, and fill in those gaps in your own internet marketing skill-set, even if you CAN build a website. Chris Farrell provides MUCH MORE. Download your free copy once you visit the Website Security ebook preview page by clicking on the link "Get Your Free Preview" shown below. As mentioned previously, websites can be victimized without the website owner ever knowing that it happened until it’s too late. Unfortunately, there are also instances in which your site can be used in malicious ploys without being directly compromised. When this happens it’s your visitors that deal with the brunt of the cyber attack, and once they have become the victim they stop being a visitor to your site or even a customer. In the best interests of both you and your visitors, it is imperative that you take the appropriate measures to ensure that your site is a safe place to visit. This will help ensure that you avoid getting the "This site may harm your computer" warning in Google search results and a similar warning at Yahoo. Your Website is your online business. Don’t you lock the door and secure the windows of your "brick and mortar" house or business? Do you have an alarm system? Don’t you think it’s important to do the same with your online business? You need to keep in mind that when you have the appropriate website security, you are increasing the trust of your customers, which in return increases sales for you. Website security is essential. You need to make sure you are doing all that you can to ensure a safe site for you and your customers. You must never forget that you are the website security. What you do or do not do is what makes it secure. It is considerably more expensive and more time-consuming to recover from a security incident than to take preventative measures ahead of time. It is a more worthwhile use of your time to do everything you can to protect your site from all hackers, regardless of who they are, and understand that there will be a constant flood of attacks against your site. The more difficult you make it for someone to attack your website, the less likely they will even try. Always remember that hackers, like burglars, are opportunists. If you take the security measures to keep your website safe, a hacker will swiftly move on to a site that is less well protected. Securing your website can take minutes, but gives you a lifetime of peace of mind. By taking just a few minutes now, you can help prevent costly and potentially embarrassing hacker attacks from occurring... You can learn more by clicking on the articles button below: Believe me when I tell you that: If you leave this website without buying "How To Protect Your Website and Digital Product Downloads", your online business could be put in serious jeopardy - everything you have worked for could be wiped out in a matter of seconds. This isn't some sly marketing gimmick designed to scare you into buying what I am offering. This is reality and it's happening every single day to many websites. In fact, there are forums and groups dedicated to exploiting websites, as some sort of 'bragging rights' game. Let me show you how to protect your online business by purchasing a copy of my ebook!
Click on the button below to get a Free Preview of this amazing ebook and added bonus offer.
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