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Solutions for your Website Protection and Security
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Website Protection and Security Banner

Thank you for visiting our free preview page for:
"How To Protect Your Website And Digital Product Downloads"
You will not be disappointed

To watch the preview,
click on the button below and RUN the program,
or save to your computer.

Website Security Free Preview

After you have watched the preview,
click on the button below to go to the order page so you can purchase the ebook,
and then implement your website security to prevent unwanted visitors and illegal product downloads.


If you purchase this amazing ebook, you will also be given a special bonus offer valued at $19 US, for FREE.
This special bonus offer is a very powerful PHP script tool that you can put on your home page or any web page that you want.
This script will send you an email, everytime someone visits your web page, including browsers, spiders, robots and crawlers, with the following information:
1) The URL of the page that was visited
2) The Date and Time of the visit.
3) The Browser name that was used to visit your site.
4) The Visitor IP Address.
5) The Visitor Host Name
6) The Visitor Country, Region and City of origin without the need of a database and with over 95% accuracy.
7) Standalone "Whois DNS Tool" to get all the Host Company Provider Information.

With a little bit of imagination, you can adapt this script to be a very powerful website protection and security tool.

If your web pages are of the form *.php, then you would simply put the script at the very top of the web page.
If your web page is *.htm, *.html, or *.shtml, you will still be able to use this PHP script.
You will be shown the correct way to make your website server treat these html web pages as php web pages, so that the PHP script will be parsed like a real php web page, and hence, activate the script.

When you purchase the ebook, the PHP script and the instructions on how to apply it to your web pages, will be included in the download.

Click on the button below to go to the order page,
so you can purchase this amazing ebook.

Order ebook Website Protection and Security

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